
Silotite Pro Sustane®


1,800 m

This special bale wrap is perfect for fast baling and square wrappers. Made from innovative, super-strong material that keeps it consistent and uniform, thanks to a cutting-edge manufacturing process using recycled materials. All while still achieving excellent sealing around the bale.

Silotite Pro Sustane Stretchfilm

Features & Benefits


Closed loop production

Made with 25% post-consumer recycled content.


Recycled content traceability

Silotite Pro 1800 Sustane has been certified by RecyClass, offering users full traceability of recycled content in terms of chains of custody.


Recycled package

Conveniently packaged in a PE sleeve allowing balewrap and outer packaging to be recycled together, eliminating the need for separation.


Less downtime

20% longer length allows you to wrap more bales per reel, saving time and preserving silage quality.


Silotite Pro Technology

Silotite Pro is manufactured using the latest raw materials and advanced manufacturing techniques that enhance the essential characteristics of silage stretch film.


Width Length Rolls per pallet
750 mm
1,800 m
Rolls per pallet
750 mm
1,800 m

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Warren Tatton

Spanning nearly 20 years in the Crop Baling business, Warren has in-depth technical knowledge and skill at high commercial level.

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Questions About Stretchfilm?
We’ve got the answers

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Questions About Stretchfilm?
We’ve got the answers

For more FAQs
What is the difference between 25-micron and 22-micron thicknesses as far as use by the farmer?

Assuming the ‘mechanical properties’ of the film are good enough, which most top manufacturers are, the main guarantee of good silage concerning the film, is that it seals well, and each application overlaps the last by at least 50%, with the best results coming from the application of at least 6 film layers. The actual difference in thickness of film going onto the bale, after the stretching rollers, is insignificant.

Why are silage bales better than pit or clamp silage?
Why do I get long tales on the bale after baling?
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