Homepage Blog Round Baling Innovation, EZ Web, gains another European award.

Round Baling Innovation, EZ Web, gains another European award.

EZ Web the innovative new round baling solution from Tama has been gaining recognition across Europe for its environmental credentials and has just added a silver Award from LAMMA for ‘Future Innovation for Environmental Benefit of the Year’ to its trophy cabinet.
European Award Winner

UK agricultural event LAMMA has once again unveiled its Innovation Award winners, recognising and rewarding new technological additions to the agricultural industry.

In winning the silver award for future environmental benefit, EZ Web has added to its growing list of recognitions, with 5 awards in total, all celebrating the products innovation and environmental benefits:

UK: LAMMA ‘Silver – Future Innovation for Environmental Benefit of the Year’

Ireland: FBD Better Farming ‘Best Adaption Product Winner’

France: Sommets D’or ‘Green Award for recycling’

Denmark: Agromek ‘Star Winner’

Sweden – Elmia ‘Innovation Award Winner’

Easier to recycle

EZ Web has been designed specifically for silage and straw, therefore providing a round bale binding solution for any/all crops. And offering a direct alternative to the long established NetWrap.

Aimed at those Farmers and Contractors looking to take more responsibility in recycling their used round baling packaging. EZ Web has been developed with one core goal in mind, to be easily recycled.

This is a round baling solution that once removed from the bale, no longer needs to be separated from Stretchfilm to be recycle.  It can be recycled alongside it, saving time and storage space and resulting in a recycled material that can then be reused in the production of new rolls of EZ Web.

...contains two to three times less plastic per bale than NRF.
Less plastic usage, easier to use and a much longer life.

EZ Web significantly reduces ‘on farm’ plastic waste; for example, it contains two to three times less plastic per bale than NRF.

Its core design means not only is it easier to remove from the bale but it also removes with much less soilage than netwrap, making it much lighter (to store and transport), but also easier to clean and recycle.  This ensures that the agri-plastic used in its construction remains in the manufacturing loop.

And to ensure that happens Tama have committed to working with all of the key European collection schemes to collect and deliver used product back to our partner recycling facility, to ensure the plastic remains a viable, reusable tool, for many years to come.

Join a round baling innovation revolution

If you want to learn more about EZ Web and how it can benefit your baling productivity visit our website, email sales@tama-uk.co.uk or, call us on +44 (0) 1420 545 800.

Alternatively why not come and speak with us directly at the LAMMA show, stand 12.324 where we will be happy to talk you through all the details of this innovative new round baling solution.

 Join us in the future of round baling – Better Bales. Easily.

EZ Web Road Show

We’re taking EZ Web on the road and touring the UK to bring this amazing new product to a location near you!

Simply register your details to be kept informed where and when the roadshow will be visiting your area and then come and check it our for yourself and ask us how this round baling revolution will change the way you bale.

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